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  • Drittgläubigerschutz bei Gesellschaftsfinanzierung mittels hybrider Finanzierungsinstrumente

Drittgläubigerschutz bei Gesellschaftsfinanzierung mittels hybrider Finanzierungsinstrumente

Angebote / Angebote:

»Protection of Third-party Creditors in the Context of Corporate Financing Through Hybrid Financing Instruments. On the Voluntary and Statutory Creditor-protecting Function of Mezzanine Capital Provided by Third Parties«: Corporate financing by mezzanine capital gives rise to various questions in connection with the protection of the company's third-party creditors. The study examines to what extent providers of mezzanine capital are subject to those statutory provisions that impose restrictions on conventional equity investors in the interest of the company's creditors. Furthermore, it examines the relevance of such clauses by which the parties explicitly assign a creditor-protecting function to mezzanine capital.
Libri-Titel folgt in ca. 2 Arbeitstagen


89,00 CHF