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Sex Is for Love

Angebote / Angebote:

Sex, love, addiction, Bipolar II, childhood abuse, homosexuality, coming out of the closet and faith coupled with the power to overcome and accomplish is all in this book. Jules takes you on a powerful and raw journey through issues most of us are blessed with not having to experience. This writer injects you in a world that few ever see and leaves you with the feeling that anything can be overcome with the power of the human spirit. Sex is for love is written in a way that will pull you in and counsel you on how to approach the issues above and be successful without experiencing the hurt she has endured. The emotional detail and no holds bar style of the writer will make you cry, laugh and occasionally aroused throughout this read. Don't expect an over the top lesbian touting the homosexual agenda, because you will be disappointed. Her perspective is genius and intriguing, logical, emotional and if nothing else completely original. This book will change you and your perspective on many issues facing our culture today. You will find yourself being empowered with every page you turn understanding that life is about choices regardless of what bad cards you might have been dealt with. If you or a loved ones are dealing with any of these issues sex is for love is a must read.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


31,50 CHF