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The Stand

Angebote / Angebote:

Scott Burgess has crafted one of the more intriguing commentaries on Revelation's Old Testament counterpart. Scores of readers will appreciate The Stand: Jesus in the Book of Daniel for its educational and devotional value. It not only aids in deciphering mysteries and symbols but also encourages and promotes complete dedication to our Lord and Savior.The author, by and large, embraces and upholds the traditional Adventist methodology and approach to interpretation. With that said, he also introduces some unique ideas. He highlights some fascinating linguistic and conceptual connections with other portions of Scripture that perhaps many of us have not identified before. Those who pore over this tome will reach different points of agreement and disagreement, but at least the majority will acknowledge Burgess' skillful manner of provoking prayerful thought and contemplation.What makes any book like this truly worthwhile is the presence of Christ. Burgess stresses the ubiquity of His manifestation throughout the book-as the One who rules the universe, past, present, and future, and as the One who empowers His people to withstand the fiercest opposition for the sake of faithfulness to Him and His commandments. Jesus offers the same empowerment to us, especially as imminent events parallel what the four Hebrews experienced. This 2, 500-plus-year-old document speaks to us today.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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