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  • The White Dove & the Red Bourgeois

The White Dove & the Red Bourgeois

Angebote / Angebote:

Consider the election of a president in 2008. Is it possible to buck the establishments of both the Democrats and Republicans, and elect a president that truly represents the values and the morals of traditional America? Adam Himmelher (German for Heaven sent), a traditional, conservative, Christian, and a non-establishment politician, from Deadwood, South Dakota, decides to find out. As a proponent of "the Contract with America", Adam is elected to Congress. He, along with his fellow fifty new "contract" electees, form a value based congressional organization dubbed the "Himmelher Hawks". The "Hawks", expanding their influence throughout America, which forms the organization, allows Adam to attempt his long shot 2008 presidential campaign. Adam, a Republican, finds danger to America, in an inept Bush's failure to provide critical defense missile and satellite mechanisms to counter Chinese clandestinely developed military advantages. This is due mainly to an intentional commercial divesting of America's defense secrets, created by the lax security of Clinton, and abutted by Bush's outsourcing of trade. Enormous riches flow to Bush-ite un-free traders, who value money over the security of America. Congressman Adam finds China an aggressive user of any means to obtain America's security secrets, outfoxing an inept, criminally negligent, and sometimes traitorous intelligence service bureaucracy. America must defend against China now, if it is to survive. Adam, to win, must reunite the Reagan conservative, Christian alliance. Anti-Christian foes, fearing religion more than domination by China, lead Adam to a hidden asset, an oblique China-Christian connection. Will America exist tomorrow? Hopefully, this book will explore that question, and provide some answers.
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