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A Dream Revised

Angebote / Angebote:

Hollis has agreed to take responsibility for her late husband's nephew David, a boy she doesn't know. She wants to give him the second chance her husband would have wanted.Trying to support her young daughters, she operates a coffee shop where she is harassed by a persistent salesman in whom she has no interest. She does not intend to replace her husband, but her future looks lonely.Hollis is drawn back into the high school world where her husband taught history, and all the frustrations, intrigues, and romances of teenagers.And a new history teacher.A handsome, older, more worldly experienced man, Gray is trying to escape his past. As he is attracted to Hollis, he is drawn into David's circle, and can see his potential and all the pitfalls.David and his friends are as interested in motorcycles as they are in school.Complicating the scene is Angelie, a member of a strict religious sect that doesn't allow her to take part in the school's social life. She wants to be like the other girls. She and David are immediately attracted to each other, perhaps because he has been warned to stay away.Hollis and Gray must guide David and his friends through their senior year, and maybe find each other along the way.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF