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A Lobster Tale

Angebote / Angebote:

Laura Robinson can't be doing with people. She understands the theory but seems to have failed the practical. Then a tiny lobster hatches from a spot on her neck. The lobster gifts her something astonishing - visions of people's inner motivations and torments. Laura goes from knowing nothing about people, to knowing everything. Using her new superpower Laura finally gets the life her mother always wanted. But is she happy? To distract herself from that question, she sets out to pay her gift forward, with Lobster's help. It's tough saving the world but it's simpler than dealing with the things Lobster is showing her about her own life. Must she really face why her father left and what happened to her as a child? She has been living underwater and it's time to come up for air.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


19,50 CHF

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