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- A Nation by Rights
A Nation by Rights
Angebote / Angebote:
How sexuality and sexual orientation intersect with gender, race, ethnicity, and religion in the ongoing formation of national identityModern nations and nation states constitute themselves through the construction of others, located outside the bounds of the imagined community. People who are thus defined as outsiders often respond by seeking inclusion in the very terms through which they are being excluded. The dynamics of identity politics frequently have been studied from the perspective of these "outsider" groups. But how does this dynamic play out in the construction of the "national imaginary"? How do nations themselves respond to identity politics, especially the politics of sexuality and sexual orientation?A Nation by Rights looks at the connections between national cultures, sexuality, and rights. Through five case studies, Stychin examines how sexuality and sexual orientation intersect with gender, race, ethnicity, and religion in the ongoing formation of national identity in an era of increasing economic, political, and cultural globalization.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen