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Angebote / Angebote:

We all desire the good things in life without a doubt. As we know well, life is not the bed of roses. Indeed, its realities transits in styles. However, only a few people have maximized their existence. While I was growing up as a youngster, I used to ask myself questions every new day. And one of the surprising questions that popped into my head was this: "when is the sun going to stop shining?" I guess those thoughts are the fruit of ignorance. But do you know that until today, the answer never came? Yes, because it is a phenomenon. A new dawn is a fresh start that sparkles with joy. Everyone wants to relish the breathtaking moments of life. . However, some find it inconceivable. A misstep in most people's thoughts is this, they discern the negative occurrences prevailing as God's will for their life, and it is not true. The Divine Father plans much for His Sons and Daughters because He loves everyone! God wants us to experience the fullness of joy. In life, there are three great phases, which each individual must go through, to fulfill a purpose. It doesn't matter if you were born with a silver spoon. As the above reminds us, there are three phases! And here, there are: "The phase of struggle, The phase of restructuring and, The phase of exploitation." . In this edition, you will delve into amazing mysteries that will give you a quantum lift. In addition, you will climb through the phases of life. Remember that in life, you must go through various phases as stated above. However, men fail in the phases of life because they do not know how to win. God has put this book for your promotion. See it as a divine occurrence, accept it as one sent from God, and read it as the best literature, which you ever dreamt of! I wish you success, as you embark on your journey to a New Dawn.
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