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  • Place of Thin Veil

Place of Thin Veil

Angebote / Angebote:

What is it about certain places on earth that have the power to change the course of our lives and transform us deeply? The once-frontier mining town of Gallup, bordering the Navajo Nation and sitting on the extreme western edge of New Mexico, is just such a place. With its rugged, violent history and otherworldly landscape, Gallup has ignited the imaginations of an array of famous Americans from John Wayne to Bob Dylan. Tony Hillerman's novels put Navajo culture, and by extension Gallup, on the map. For the Navajo people for whom the region has been home for millennia, the town and its alcohol-fueled economy has a more sinister pull. As an outsider who became an insider, Bob Rosebrough shares Gallup's iconic stories--and reveals its long-hidden secrets"--
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


24,50 CHF

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