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A Royal Affair

Angebote / Angebote:

Doctor Nikolai Hartmann represents himself as a learned man of science who believes wholly in the rational and scientific above all else. In reality, he is a man haunted by an unusual past and running from his own nature. While the Reformation transforms much of Europe, it has yet to touch Hesse-Davia, this is a land mired in superstition with cruel punishments for crimes such as witchcraft and sodomy. While traveling to the dying king's bedside to offer his medical expertise, Nikolai is set upon by a bandit. Reaching the king's ancient stronghold, he discovers his mysterious brigand is the beautiful, arrogant Prince Aleksey. Aleksey is everything Nikolai is not: unguarded, passionate, and willful. Despite their differences, Nikolai feels an irresistible desire for the young royal that keeps him in Aleksey's thrall. But Hesse-Davia is a dangerous world for a newly crowned king who wants to reform his country-and for the man who loves him.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF