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  • A study of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on emotional well-being and the elderly's quality of life

A study of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on emotional well-being and the elderly's quality of life

Angebote / Angebote:

Process of aging is a phase dealt by all beings. For humans ageing includes a box of all kinds of experiences and memories. As we grow with time, both physically and in wisdom we are introduced to various challenges for survival. The challenges may include losing a close one because of senility, loss of independence because of the deterioration of the body and fragility and hence the adulthood is redefined as a phase of utter dependence which mimics the infancy dependence, Moreover, retirement or diminished income creates significant amount of stress and burden in one's life. As this phase of life, time seems to stagnate with peculiar helplessness and loneliness. Care, belongingness, security (emotional and financial), social relations become once again the most desired. An individual seek for a recognition and acceptance within the family because the self-efficacy declines due to inability to work and perform. Expectation from the children and the social group and the yearning to cling on for a sense of security which isn't received by the family members appropriately may end up becoming reason for rumination and emotional distress in an individual. When the secondary needs like care, appreciation, love, warmth are not met, elderly may feel unwanted, useless. Many develop feelings of inferiority and resentment, anxiety, low self esteem, loss of identity, low confidence, loss of trust, feelings that are not conducive to for adjustment may decrease quality of life of an individual
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


98,00 CHF