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A Whole New World

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A world where blacks are seen as dirty, hooligans, and no goods, a world where whites are the demigods and are to be worshipped and everyone in between is left confused. A world where racial prejudice is the order of the day and no one seems to be doing the right thing, a world where it's ok for parents to instill hatred against another because of the color of their skin, a world where it's not safe for black kids to be just kids, this is a world we live in, a world that must be changed if we are to live in peace, harmony and one love. One home, nine kids, one teenager, and a toothless old woman all forced into an adventure that will change all their lives forever. When all is said and done, we are who were told to be. At birth we were clean slates with no identity, no religion, no race, no color but as we grew, we were boxed into a corner, given tags and told what to do. ''You are white they say, you are better than 'those negros' they chorus, 'you are superior', 'they are monkeys and bamboos', 'you are a god'. And so, we grew with this distorted mindset until we became who we were not meant to be, an individual filled with hatred against another just because we don't have the same shade of skin. We are quick to forget that it's the same life, the same world, the same air.All lives matter they say, but can all lives matter when one part of the human race is being hunted and victimized just because of the pigment of their skin? Can all lives matter when we don't teach our children the right values? Can all lives matter when we don't practice what we preach?As Granny Smith and her young charges live together and have fun, they will face many challenges, but only through the infinite wisdom of a woman who has seen it all and a teenager with a kind heart will the children grow to be better persons despite what they have being taught. Through plays and jokes, lessons and stories will they come to realize that we don't bleed different and when it's all over the parents come to realize the wrong of their ways too.It's a whole new world, the break of a new dawn, the start of a new life and it all begins with the young children on Camel-by-the-sea. How they change the world is a story you must not miss, it's all revealed in this compelling, exhilarating, heart racing, and mind-owing book.
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