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Affliction and the Lord's Grace

Angebote / Angebote:

In this book of meditations, we see an ordinary man's quest for understanding the fullness of God's grace and how to make decisions and build relationships based on that understanding. His journey is one common to every Christian, and, yet, Collins appears to have an uncommon zeal to walk fully in that grace in every aspect of his life. In his humble way, he admits he does not have all of the answers, but continues to knock, seek, to ask claiming God's promise that it shall be opened unto those who do so. Along the way he does not forget to give thanks and praise to God who has sustained him and revealed Himself to him thus far. Collins is a man who knows, whether he understands perfectly or not, whether he makes mistakes, or whether he slips and falls, that God is always with him and at work in him. I commend this book to every Christian who longs to walk daily in the grace and admonition of our Lord.
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