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After History

Angebote / Angebote:

What if, living in the past and for the past was no longer tenable - no longer acceptable? What if, being stuck in the past became a force for alienation, breaking down and coming to seem like a false consciousness divorced from the present and from all true human happiness? What if history were dead? Would that matter...? After History: On the Death of History, and the New Culture by Dr. Piotr Stolarski, gets to grip with the pretensions and soul-destroying irrelevance of academic history - arguing that a new existential historiography abandoning a Man-centred Englightenment vision (and now allied to philosophy and theology) is possible and necessary. Analysing the significance, practices and characteristics of History in detail, the author argues for the abandonment of a History dead to and disdainful of the present, and sketches the possibilities left to historians after the "Death of History" - embodied in a Neo-Renaissance eclecticism allying faith to a reformed historiography.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF

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