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  • Alfred's Kid's Drumset Course Complete Starter Pack

Alfred's Kid's Drumset Course Complete Starter Pack

Angebote / Angebote:

Alfred's Kid's Drum Course is the easiest method ever for kids ages 5 and up from the makers of the #1 best-selling method for kids. This complete pack includes everything you need to get started playing right away including Alfred's Kid's Drum Course book and CD, plus high-quality instruments: frame drum, set of maracas, woodblock, and mallets. Using plain language that's easy to understand, the method teaches kids to play rhythms and songs on a variety of drums and sound sources, including all the instruments in this Starter Pack. You'll learn from three irresistible drum experts---a clever classical dog, one cool jazz cat, and a friendly alligator that loves the blues---who guide students along. They draw attention to what's important on each page and make learning music fun!
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