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- All and Everything in Diagrams
All and Everything in Diagrams
Angebote / Angebote:
In this book, the 4th Way ideas & Hindu esoteric ideas have been synthesized to structure the organic whole of the entire body of the esoteric knowledge by placing in hierarchical order almost all significant esoteric ideas in various diagrams in a pictorial and tabular way, in the form that those ideas assume at various Cosmic levels and at various levels of being. For example, the 4th Way idea of the Law of Three has been synthesized with the Hindu idea of Satva, Rajasa & Tamasa, the 4th Way idea of consciousness has been synthesized with Vedantic ideas in the Mandukya Upnishad, and the ideas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra have been synthesized with the 4th Way ideas to unfold more complete and clear picture. This book also deals with the physical and psychological (spiritual) aspects of the structure of both Man and the Universe from the connected & combined (nutshell) view points of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, ayurveda, psychology, yoga & spirituality. This book also deals with (1) practical Work on oneself (Sadhana), (2) the higher method of learning and (3) the practical relevance of the connectedness of various esoteric ideas and the inter-connection between various Cosmoses in one's personal Work. Further, in an attempt not to load it with lengthy theory, the ideas have been intentionally presented in simple diagrams and in brief explanatory notes, so that the grasp of the picture of the whole and parts enter directly into that part of us which understands things without words (e.g. when we see the symbol + we understand entire significance of + without words). The 4th Way is a scientific way of spiritual/psychological evolution by (1) observing & understanding within oneself the intellect, emotion, physical impulse, and also the spark of divinity (self-remembering), (2) rightly balancing their workings, (3) learning to apply them all simultaneously in unified manner in day-to-day activities with intentional and enhanced awareness, and thereby eventually transcending inner-slavery, attaining spiritual purity and higher states of consciousness. In the 20th Century G. I. Gurdjieff and P. D. Ouspensky expounded the 4th Way in their teachings and writings, which was further elaborated and refined in writings of Rodney Collin
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