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Angebote / Angebote:

This was the trip of my life time. At age 26 I had traveled most of the world, except most of South Central America and Mexico. My dream was to travel the whole world. That particular stretch was a major missing piece to the world map puzzle to me. My Passport still needed more entry stamps of countries to fill my soul. In 1987 I traveled approximately 11, 000 miles to visit my American friends, Ray and Nancy in San Francisco, California. I had met them years ago on a tour to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. We stayed in touch, and they kept inviting me. Instead of flying, I chose to drive my 125 cc Honda motorcycle. I was an inexperienced bike driver when I left Paraguay. I accumulated my skills driving off the beaten path. When I arrived in America, I was a good driver with many stories to tell. In San Francisco the German newspaper had an article about my trip. As well, I appeared in Stuttgarter Nachrichten Newspaper in Germany and in my home town newspaper, Gerlinger Anzeiger.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


26,90 CHF