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  • An Incredible Talent for Existing

An Incredible Talent for Existing

Angebote / Angebote:

It is 1965, the era of love, light-and revolution. While the romantic narrator imagines a bucolic future in an old country house with children running through the dappled sunlight, her husband plots to organize a revolution and fight a guerrilla war in the Catskills. Their fantasies are on a collision course. The clash of visions turns into an inner war of identities when the author embraces radical feminism, she and her husband are comrades in revolution but combatants in marriage, she is a woman warrior who spends her days sewing long silk dresses reminiscent of a Henry James novel. One half of her isn't speaking to the other half. And then, just when it seems that things cannot possibly get more explosive, her wilderness cabin burns down and Pamela finds herself left with only the clothes on her back. From her vividly evoked existential childhood ("the only way I would know for sure that I existed was if others-lots of others-acknowledged it") to writing her first children's book on a sugar high during a glucose tolerance test, Pamela Jane takes the reader along on a highly entertaining personal, political, and psychological adventure.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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