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And They Left

Angebote / Angebote:

This book will appeal to the curiosity of people interested in the movements of the Ewe population from ancient Egypt to its present location straddling three Western African countries, namely Benin (formerly Dahomey), Togo, and Ghana (formerly Gold Coast). The book also highlights the saga of an Anlo couple fleeing from the mysterious death of their children in Tegbi, a coastal Ghanaian village, the origin of the husband. It chronicles social, religious, and political life in the late 1800s and early 1900s in Mission Tove, a Togolese hamlet where husband and wife ultimately settled and begat their two surviving children. A window is also opened into the life of the descendants of one of these children representing the ninth generation of Togbi Atsu Madokpui Wenya, the leader of the Ewes who founded the Anlo community in the Gold Coast.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


34,90 CHF

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