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Animal Spell

Angebote / Angebote:

David starts to see animals in people and goes to a school counselor for help. He has devised a play which has been absorbing him lately… In a coming-of-age story, he imagines himself becoming Loner, a wolf dog who's lost his pack. In looking for a new one, the wolf dog gets caught up in a battle between the fox, who has powerful animals on his side, and a lion from the grasslands, who is joined by a colorful assortment of animals. In a novel use of point of view, the protagonist shifts between the fox's side and the lion's, as well as experiencing an evolutionary progression of primates. The author invites you to take this fantastic journey in animals, in which you are invited to become aware of your shadow side and to find your true soul self.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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