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Angebote / Angebote:

There can be no simple, straightforward explanation foran illness as thoroughly complex as Anorexia Nervosa.Eating Disorders affect around 1.6million people in theUK, and although Anorexia isn't the most common, itis the most deadly. Characterised by an overwhelmingfear of weight gain, those affected dramatically reducetheir food intake and may also over-exercise, vomit oruse laxatives in a desperate bid to lose weight.Anorexia does not discriminate. It affects people of allages, genders, ethnicity, race and religion. With this bookthe author hopes to expel the myths and stereotypes thatexist about Anorexia and help you to understand the truemeaning of Anorexia - above and beyond those ageoldexplanations that only ever scratch the surface.
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