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Assignment Kilimanjaro

Angebote / Angebote:

This adult erotic adventure is just like the jungle, hot and steamy!Tilda is a British spy sent on a mission to German East Africa in 1915. Unfortunately, her aircraft is blown up and although she survives the crash into the jungle, she loses her memory. Captured by native tribesmen, Tilda befriends Chief Mandai, whose stamina proves formidable. But he can't save her from the dark machinations of the witchdoctor and she ends up tied to the sacrificial post. A combination of fate and her bravery pluck her from the clutches of death, and though her memory returns, she still finds herself in plenty of trouble.She encounters a lascivious German patrol led by the depraved Sergeant Wolff, she becomes the plaything of Herta, the sex-mad wife of a German general, and she discovers oriental lovemaking from the suave Cambridge scholar Hassan, the leader of marauding Arab slavers. And while Tilda makes enemies of a number of British officers, she also befriends two British soldiers, Willie and Mick, and shares her bed with both.Indeed, whoever she is thrust against, Tilda handles them with love, compassion, guile and, when necessary, her considerable sexual wiles.
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