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  • Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Volume 20 (2021)

Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Volume 20 (2021)

Angebote / Angebote:

The Yearbook contains state practice reports from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, thus serving as an important source of international law unavailable elsewhere. From time to time the Yearbook offers articles discussing the history of international law and current issues in Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation, thus making regional discourse more accessible to a wider global audience. Volume 20 is devoted to the theme of Estonian Tradition in International Law and was put together mainly by international law scholars at the University of Tartu, the oldest Estonian university. It also includes papers from a symposium for non-Western States on international law and cyber operations, co-organized together with CCDCOE, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, in Tallinn.
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591,00 CHF