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This book encompasses the epitome of what a child could face, being born with the sign "Unwanted" as it were, engraved on her forehead. However, as the story unfolds, it also demonstrates that no matter where we are or where we've found ourselves in life, economically, socially, physically, emotionally or otherwise, with God on our side, we have the power to bounce back and turn our situations around. In God's economy, God is never finished with us because with Him, all things are possible. Matthew 19: 26. About the Author Rev. Dr. Olga Fyne works alongside her husband in Pastoring the Beulah Church of the Nazarene, in Brooklyn, NY. Olga is an anointed expositor of "The Word, " a gifted writer and author of several books and a New York City Public schools teacher, for over twenty-four years. She preaches and teaches both nationally and internationally and loves people passionately. She resides in Woodmere, Long Island with her husband and two adult children. Please visit her at and and Twitter. This book is one of a kind. It takes the reader to a new level imaginatively, keeps him in suspense, and then brings him to a satisfying, uplifting and undoubtedly rewarding closure. It is a "Must- Read". Pastor Beverly Caesar, Bethel Gospel Tabernacle, Brooklyn, N.Y. Every teenager, at some point in his life, tries to find his true self. He is on a quest for an answer to who am I? Why am I here? Where am I heading? The answers to these questions become more compelling and urgent when he finds himself at a crossroads of mistrust, betrayal, abandonment and the shocking revelation that those to whom he look up and call friends are really not and have selfish motives and ambitions. Read this compelling tale of "Beige" and find out how she found her true self after a life of abandonment, mistrust betrayal and sensual exploitation. Dr. Wenton Fyne, senior Pastor, Beulah Church of the Nazarene, 1250 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, NY. I read the whole document. It is interesting! It reminds us of the human dilemma and the needs for us to look beyond superficial outlook of people, in order to see and understand their emotional and mental suffering. Readers will have a better understanding of the complexities of human sufferings and why people are yearning for freedom and healings at a deeper level. Rev. Dumerzier Charles, PhD, Pastor of Good Shepherd Church of the Nazarene. How can one find his true identity in a world with so many calling voices? It is even more difficult for the young who is always seeking to identify with someone or something. This intriguing and passionate tale will reveal that true answers are only found in Christ, regardless of where you have been, you're socio-economic status or your ethnicity. Dr. Audrey John, Pharamv.Retail Pharmacist
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