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Beloved Spirit

Angebote / Angebote:

This book is intended to take the reader upon one woman''s adventurous lifetime quest to follow the teachings of the Father which ask us each to "Seek to love God with our whole heart, mind, body and soul-and our neighbor as ourselves". He has asked us to treat all other sentient beings-even "the least of these" as if we were doing these things for Him. If we seek to know Him, to become His beloved child and to follow Him as our Way, Truth and Light of our lives, He will walk and share with us as our Friend, Teacher, Savior and Beloved. This is the message of the author''s first book entitled "Beloved". "Beloved" is a message of each person''s ability to share a personal divine love relationship between our Beloved Lord and ourselves. "Beloved Spirit" continues our walk "in the still of the evening" with our Beloved beside us. If we walk with Him, we remain in the Spirit of the Beloved Spirit of the Father all our lives. He will show us many unseen and unknown things of the Earth and the Heavens. We will no longer see Him and His Light as an isolated pathway known only to a few. Our Beloved Father''s Love and Spirit is all-encompassing. He told us He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He tells us He has sheep of man) pastures. We are each a child of the All-Encompassing All That Is, the Manifold God who blessed His creation and His Son. The prophetic pages of this large epistle of His love for humankind as well as warning us of the "Signs of the Times". The Beloved Father is weeping. We will learn why. If we have love one for another, we will be able to complete an ecstatic picture of a new world in which the Spirit dwells within each of our hearts. He said He would never left us alone in dark and troublous times. "He leads and guides us clear through to a better place made with His own hand." This is the message of "Beloved Spirit\ which is an exciting, inspirational and informative dream and message strewn life plan destiny in which we walk in and out
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