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Angebote / Angebote:

This text is intended for an introductory course in bio­ metabolism concludes with photosynthesis. The last sec­ chemistry. While such a course draws students from vari­ tion of the book, Part IV, TRANSFER OF GENETIC INFOR­ ous curricula, all students are presumed to have had at MATION, also opens with an introductory chapter and then least general chemistry and one semester of organic chem­ explores the expression of genetic information. Replica­ istry. tion, transcription, and translation are covered in this or­ My main goal in writing this book was to provide stu­ der. To allow for varying student backgrounds and for pos­ sible needed refreshers, a number of topics are included as dents with a basic body of biochemical knowledge and a thorough exposition of fundamental biochemical con­ four appendixes. These cover acid-base calculations, principles of cepts, including full definitions of key terms. My aim has of organic chemistry, tools biochemistry, and been to present this material in a reasonably balanced oxidation-reduction reactions. form by neither deluging central topics with excessive de­ Each chapter includes a summary, a list of selected tail nor slighting secondary topics by extreme brevity. readings, and a comprehensive study section that consists Every author of an introductory text struggles with of three types of review questions and a large number of the problem of what to include in the coverage. My guide­ problems.
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