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  • Biogeochemical Approaches to Paleodietary Analysis

Biogeochemical Approaches to Paleodietary Analysis

Angebote / Angebote:

Thisvolume is the fifthi n the Advances in Archaeological and Museum Science series by the Society for Archaeological Sciences (SAS). The purpose of this series is top rovide summaries of advances in various topics in archaeometry, archaeological science, environmental archaeology, preservation technology, and museumconservation. The SAS exists to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration between archaeologistsand colleaguesi n the natural sciences. SAS members are drawn from manydisciplinary fields. However, theya ll share a common belief that natural science techniques andmethods constitutea n essential component of archaeological field and laboratory studies. xi Preface The study of human diet brings togetherr esearchers from diverse back grounds, ranging from modern human nutrition and biochemistry to the geo chemistry of fossilized bones and teeth. Human paleodiet research, as studied through the chemical composition of bones and teeth, has been advanced sig nificantlyi n the last 25 years, since the publication ofearly work on trace ele ments (Brown 1973) ando n stable carbon isotopes (Vogel andv and er Merwe 1977, vand er Merwe and Vogel 1978). An important forum forsuch p rogress has been the series of Advanced Se minars on Pa leodiet, held every threey ears since 1986. The contributions in this volume a rose from the Fourth Advanced Seminar on Paleodiet, which washeld in Banff, Alb erta in September of 1994. The Advanced Seminars bring togethera small international group of researchers interested in improving and expanding techniques fors tudying past diet through bone chemistry.
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