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Blaize Speaks

Angebote / Angebote:

In a sun baked southern town near the famous Appalachian Trail, where the genteel traditions of the past are giving way to violence and greed, a four-year-old girl is abandoned by her mother, setting in motion a drama that will ripple through years and lives to come. In Book Two of The Speaks Saga, Blaize Speaks, Timewall's fiery mother must navigate toward young adulthood in rural Appalachia as a ward of the foster care system, struggling against abuse and cruelty to preserve her identity and independence while desperately clinging to a last spark of innocence, the only thing that will prevent her from becoming what she most fears. At once poignant and tragic, Blaize's journey forces her to make irreconcilable choices, revealing along the way the history of the people and the place that her son Timewall will eventually be born to.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF