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Blood Brothers

Angebote / Angebote:

Blood Brothers: This novel, based on an old Indian story, was told to me many years ago. It is about a drop of blood from a very small cut on two boys wrists, One Blackfoot, one white, bonding them forever as blood brothers. Bear Chief: Great chief of the Blackfoot Nation pushed by Union Army stationed at Fort Shaw to a reservation near the "backbone" today known as Glacier Park. Flower Woman: Wife of Bear Chief. Her still-born baby is secretly replaced by a newborn white man's child. The infant found barely alive had been shielded by his dead mother. Indian boys, passing by, find the dead woman, take the baby to Bear Chief. Little Bear: Grows up in the Blackfoot tradition, at age fifteen he stumbles upon a piece of calico cloth and discovers his true identity. He is united with his biological father. Retired Commander of Ft. Shaw: Indians call him Old Man Who Lives in a Cave. Blackrobes at St. Peter's Mission: Priests educate Little Bear, aka Thomas Jerome. He graduates from Carlisle Indian School, moves to Washington, now a lawyer, he works on Original Government Peace Treaties with the Native Americans. Eagle Feather: Speaks white man's tongue learned from Mountain Men, reads and writes the white man scratches on paper, his past also has a secret. A fine thread weaves smoothly through the pages, revealing ceremonial Vision Quests and traditional Native American ways.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,90 CHF

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