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Blood Oath

Angebote / Angebote:

Her hands are more ways than one. Lynda Garcia's life has taken a 180-degree turn and saddled her with three sexy vampire princes for lovers. All bloody three of the hottest vamps she's ever seen. And each one wants to make a baby with her. Add to that the fact that Dracula himself expects no less, and the heat is on. He's given her one year to become pregnant, which, despite the success and high accuracy of her matchmaking system, is no guarantee. But there's no harm in trying...over and over and over. But now someone has stolen her matchmaking program, and that takes her away from her baby-making duties to track down whoever would be that underhanded. She can't be sure, but everything points to Dracula. And when she confronts him, all hell opens up. There's something more sinister afoot than needing day-walking sires, but can she and her lovers stay one step ahead of the master vampire? Or is she doomed to piss him off until he finally silences her for good?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


25,90 CHF