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  • Breaking the Spirit of Addiction

Breaking the Spirit of Addiction

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Book Description The epidemic of drug addiction has ruined untold countless lives in the United States and throughout the entire world. As events in the world seem to become progressively worse, so does the problem of drug addiction. I have personally fought the war on drugs, having a career in narcotics law enforcement. Even though God has blessed me to have great success in my career as a narcotics officer, I have come to understand that the only way to rid society of narcotics abuse is to stop the demand. The old business adage of "supply and demand" runs especially true in the narcotics "industry". If people in society want illicit drugs of abuse, someone somewhere is going to produce, grow, manufacture, transport and sell them. I believe that God has called me to minister to anyone that will listen about how to get our families and friends freed from the bondage of drug addiction that is destroying this generation. I have been asked many times by many people about what they could do to help their family and friends that are under the influence of drug abuse. At the time, I didn't have many answers to give them. I then began to ask God in prayer to help me understand the problem of addiction and what God's Word said about it. God answered my prayer and began to give me revelation on this topic. I was inspired by God to primarily focus on the source of drug addiction and how to defeat it. This book was written as a way to learn and understand what God's Holy Word, The Bible, says about addictions. It was meant to be used as a handbook on how you can change lives of others. In writing this book, I want to advise and challenge all those who will read this prelude, that this book is totally based on the Word of God, and faith in the Word, and that Our Heavenly Father is true to keep His word and promises. It is my hope and prayer that you do not just read this book and reference scriptures in it. You need to sit down with your Bible as you read through this book and do your own study and research about these scriptures, it is only then will the Word totally come alive and allow you to receive full revelation about this. It is my opinion that no one should ever completely take someone's word for what the Bible says, you need to know what it says for yourself. You see, the Bible can be very intimidating to read due to its sheer size and many books. Some of it may even be hard to understand. This book is meant to be a guide on the spiritual root of addiction and how to combat it. Its purpose is to enhance a Bible study so you can have guidance and enlightenment on this subject and then you can walk away with a true and real understanding. This book is meant to guide you, encourage you, enlighten you and assist you in your understanding of the Word on the topic of the roots of addiction and the principles involved in dealing with it. As you are reading this, there is someone in either your family or a friend that comes to mind that you are concerned about their addiction to illicit drugs. I ask that you give this book ten minutes of your time and read through the first chapter about the source of addictions. After that, it is my prayer that the word of God will take root in your heart to grow and that you understand that you do not have to sit idly by and watch friends and loved ones destroyed by addiction, but that you can learn how to break the spirit of addiction.
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