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  • Breathing with the Climate Crisis

Breathing with the Climate Crisis

Angebote / Angebote:

No, I shall not leave this dry, barren region. Because, although I go away, the soil remains, it cannot leave. But we belong together, the soil and I, the earth and we human beings." -- Clement Vincent, southern India, speaking at the 2021 Agriculture and Youth Conference in DornachThis book arose from conversations in 2021 at the Goetheanum (Switzerland) between more than 1, 200 young people and biodynamic farmers from around the world. They asked, "What is the climate crisis, actually? Why is it happening?" Weighed down by the possibility of despair, they felt breathless. Then hope arose with the question, "How can we tell a new story and adopt a different perspective that could give us the courage to act? Find our own heartfelt question?Breathing with the Climate Crisis offers a hopeful narrative about the climate crisis--a new, fresh perspective that can unleash the courage to act. Young people and farmers from the East, South, North, and West asked at a world biodynamic conference, "How can we find our own breath? Do we need more facts? More head? More heart? Feeling? Poetry?" They suggest that we begin with our own process of inquiry, asking ourselves the "burning questions, " to think further--with our head, heart, and hands.Breathing with the Climate Crisis is for everyone who is concered with or has serious questions about the climate.Color throughout.
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