056 222 53 47
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Angebote / Angebote:

Governor General's Literary Award-winning author and playwright Anosh Irani's critically acclaimed one-man performance Buffoon is a masterclass of tragicomic theatre. Born to circus folk who prefer trapezing over parenting, Felix quickly learns to turn life's misfortunes into jokes. His longing for family and home is piqued at the tender age of seven when he falls hopelessly in love with an older woman, the beguiling Aja, who is eight. In the process, a clown is born, and we watch him grow into a middle-aged buffoon.¿Over time, Felix stops waiting for someone else to love him, his journey becomes one of loving himself. A story of love, loss, and the fate that binds us, ¿Buffoon¿is a gut-wrenching one-man show that expertly walks the tightrope between hilarity and heartbreak.¿
Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF