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Business Principles and Organization

Angebote / Angebote:

Business Principles And Organization - BY FRANK R. HASON - 1909 - CONTENTS - CHAPTER 1. HISTORICAL SURVEY OF FORMS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION .... l1 l . The Household Sptem ............. 11 I1 . The Handicraft System ............ 14 III . The Quilds ...................... 18 IV . The Domestic System .............. 25 V . The Factory System ............... 29 VX . Individual. Associated and Corporatc Forms of Business ............. 35 CHAPTER I1 . EFFICIENCY OF THE WORKING FORGE DIVISION OF UBOR ..... 45 CHAPTEB 111 . LIMITATIONS TO THE DIVISION OF LABOR ........................ 61 CHAPTER IV . THE LARGE BUSINESS AND THE SMALL ............................. Yl CEIAPTEB V . INTERNAL OBUANIZATION DE- FECTS OF ORDINARY TYPES OF MANAGEMENT ................... 87 CHAPTER VT . MILITARY ORGANIZATION .......... 133 CHAPTER VII . FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION ...... 181 CHAFFER V111 . THE OFFICE AND THE DEPARTMENTS ..................... 186 5 BUSINESS PRINCIPLES AND ORGANIZATION CHAPTER I. HISTOEICAL SOCIETY OF FORMS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. I. - The Household System. The needs of men have furnished the mainspring of all industrial activities since the beginning of time. To supply the primitive wants of food, shelter and raiment our most distant forebeam mere obliged to bestir themseIves, lest t.hey drop out iu the struggle for existence. As man develops, his mzlnts grow in number, variety and refinement. The hut that satisfied the savage gives may to a large substantial building of many rooms, with ample provision for light, heat and ventilation. Civilized mm no longer givcs thought alone to his physical being, but unfoIds an infinate serics of mental and spiritual wants which he bends his energies to satisfying. Various and complex as me thc wants of man- kind, the different ways and arrangements which have been made............
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