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  • California Chess Reporter 1964-1967

California Chess Reporter 1964-1967

Angebote / Angebote:

Chess historians and collectors consider the California Chess Reporter the gold standard for California chess magazines. It has combined all the pertinent information that a chess historian looks for: who played in what tournament, club or league, when and where it was played, and, of course, the game scores. The match results, club results, league results, tournament cross tables, and game scores that appeared every month for both Northern and Southern California answered all of these criteria and more. William Addison became director of the Chess Room at the Mechanics Instutute in 1965. 1964-1967 saw more sweeping victories for future grandmaster Duncan Suttles. Paul Quillen got out of prison for long enough to win several important events. Jacqueline Piatigorsky organized a Second Piatigorsky Cup in 1966 with ten of the strongest players in the world competing. Two major events new were established: The National Open in Las Vegas started in 1964 and the American Open in Los Angeles stated in 1965. Both are still being played annually today. Cover Photo shows Tibor Weinberger (front left) playing Henry Gross in the game for the 1959 California Open Championship. Henry Gross had won his first five games and only needed to draw this game with white to clench the state title. Instead, he played too cautiously and Weinberger won the game in the title. In the background, Roger Smook (left) plays Gil Ramirez.
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