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Called to Serve

Angebote / Angebote:

At last, the final chapter of Patrick the Wayward Setter! What does it take to be considered a hero? There are many changes in the Anderson household while political strife takes over in the Mideast. Now eighteen years old, Jake decides to enlist in the Marine Corps as the family accepts his nine year old cousin, MJ into the family because his father was also called into service. MJ brings along Sean, a beautiful Irish setter, causing Mike once again to doubt the wayward setter that he has in Patrick. Yet, it is during a raging forest fire that both Sean and Patrick are put to the test when MJ is trapped inside a burning inferno. When pressed into duty, who will answer the call to serve? Due to the mature content of this story, it is meant for children ages ten and up
Fremdlagertitel. Lieferzeit unbestimmt


17,90 CHF