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Childhood Is a Great Journey

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What would CHILDHOOD be like?an 'all-you-can-eat' tea party, a groovy musical fest, a 'shop till you drop' trip, a little hectic emergency room, and more--CHILDHOOD is a GREAT JOURNEY where the kids go wild in their imagination, where the days are filled with love and laughter.童年在哪裡?童年......在吃吃喝喝的廚房裡;在彈彈唱唱的派對上;在走走逛逛的超市裡;在忙忙碌碌的醫院裡......美好的童年少不了孩子們豐富的想像;少不了孩子們的歡笑聲...... From the Author* A fantastic bilingual picture book in Chinese and English! *Both languages have their own structure and rhyme. Parents can read the book in the first language, and then lead the little one to read the second language. Let's join us together in Bilingual reading in a fun way. * 一本適合親子趣讀的中、英雙語繪本。 *繪本的中、英文各成一律,各有韻味,建議讀者以單一語言展開閱讀。家長可先選一種語言和孩子閱讀一遍,再鼓勵孩子們以另一種語言閱讀,以促進母語與第二語言的雙向學習。閱讀的同時,家長可以和孩子聊詩中的內容,針對童詩的提問發表意見,激發孩子的邏輯思考能力。About the AuthorANDREA VOONOver the past few years, Andrea has learned and grown with her family as a full-time mother in Canada. Back in Malaysia, she worked as a teacher in Chinese immersion elementary school.In 2021, Andrea started her journey as an author. Growing up in a multilingual environment, Andrea loves the beauty of languages on their own.She has the vision to publish picture books to support bilingual families in raising their children in English and Chinese reading.溫甘玉芬當媽前,她是孩子們的甘老師,在常年暖和的熱帶雨林,與孩子一起學習中、英文,探索文字的奧秘;當媽後,她是孩子們的溫媽咪,在四季分明的北半球,與孩子一起感受春夏秋冬的更替,一起探索美好的童年...溫媽咪創作的靈感,源自多年來的童言童語。2021年,她成立了"溫室工作坊",出版一系列的中、英雙語繪本,結合母語和第二語言,提倡親子趣讀。繪本中的雙語各含韻味、各具特色,帶著濃濃的童真,敘述著美好的童年。
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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