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Chon gi Lala

Angebote / Angebote:

In yet another one of his self-styled and one-of-a-kind, as well as a uniquely invigorating, and soul captivating Faith-based, Positive thinking book inspired by a series of true "sigana" (stories) in real life, the internationally acclaimed author, Dr. Daniel Adongo, has once again put together a world-class masterpiece of a treasure-trove of the pure love of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, manifested through the testimony of a well-educated History teacher who encounters a true "midhiero" (mystic) in REAL-LIFE! While going through his regular and normal day-to-day life, he encounters a rare manifestation of a unique gift of The Holy Spirit of Prophecy and more, present in a third-grader, true Christian in the African setting, who has dedicated her life unto the service of God not only in her own home country, but also beyond the borders of the continent. Despite being a third grade dropout living in a church precinct somewhere in Got Kwer, Migori County in Nyanza Province, in Kenya, East Africa, by The Power of The Holy Spirit, and the Spiritual Gifts that she has received, Mama Laudette can actually teach the "Japuonj Historia" (History teacher) about the Saints of old yet, she did not acquire any credible form of formal education anywhere! The History teacher marvels at the fact that despite having a stellar academic achievement through the so called "normal" or traditional formal education system, he still must play "catch-up" on the education that he is getting or receiving from Mama Laudette about the saints from "on-high" or from the celestial glades above, or even from Heaven itself! Apart from being thrilled, exhilarated and full of surprise on this kind of God's anointing on this third-grader famed for her spiritual gift of Prophecy amongst others, he cannot help but to learn more from her about the saints of old, their secrets, and especially St. Peter of whom Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself, chose as the rock upon which He will build His church, and more...
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23,50 CHF