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Christian Traditions, Myths and Fables

Angebote / Angebote:

In New Testament times, when one was considered a follower of someone it was a common practice to add a suffix after that leader's name. The original meaning of Christian was: 'a follower of Christ.' But by the early part of the second century, a group of Christians began to use the term as a personal designation. Christianity was devised into a religion, and Christians soon became known as followers of that religious system. The Church leadership accepted the entire Holy Bible as the word of God, but it also approved of other writings and teachings that were not in the Bible. Centuries later, some of the members left this church and were recognized as Protestants. The Protestant religions can all be described as Christianity that was revised from the Roman Catholic Church. Do all (or many) of the teachings and doctrines from any of these churches harmonize with the Holy Bible? Are the doctrines that are being taught by the Christian religious leaders really Biblical? Are Christians a follower of Christ, or are they followers of a religion? Do Christians really know who the Biblical Jesus Christ was and is? Is Christianity an exultation of Jesus Christ, or a detriment? Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.
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