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  • &#1063,&#1051,&#1045,&#1053,&#1057,&#1058,&#1042,&#1054, &#1042, &#1062,&#1045,&#1056,&#1050,&#1042,&#1048, (Church Membership) (Russian): How the Wor

&#1063,&#1051,&#1045,&#1053,&#1057,&#1058,&#1042,&#1054, &#1042, &#1062,&#1045,&#1056,&#1050,&#1042,&#1048, (Church Membership) (Russian): How the Wor

Angebote / Angebote:

Why should you join a church? Becoming a member of a church is an important, and often neglected, part of the Christian life. Yet the trend these days is one of shunning the practice of organized religion and showing a distaste or fear of commitment, especially of institutions. Jonathan Leeman addresses these issues with a straightforward explanation of what church membership is and why it's important. Giving the local church its proper due, Leeman has built a compelling case for committing to the local body.
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16,50 CHF