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Dear Readers of the Holy Bible: 1. Each day, every human being makes several decisions! 2. The only reason why you go to school from two to sixteen years is because, every person that is born of a degenerate sinful man and woman is born as a beast, an animal, an empty vessel, knowing nothing, crude, uncultured, uncivilized, brute, raw, unrefined, uneducated, illiterate, unlearned, a fool, an idiot, a stupid infant, a wicked liar, and a transgressor from the womb, says God! 3. Now, every human is made up of 3 persons in one body, having a spirit-man that relates to God Almighty (Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV)), a soul-man possessing a mind and a seat of knowledge that processes awareness to the Earth and to his environment (Proverbs 19:2 (KJV)), and a flesh-man that is the house in which lives the spirit and the soul (Luke 11:24 (KJV))! 4. The worldly education that you receive from age 2 to 16, and the University, is meant to refine you from a beast to a normal human being knowing how to identify knowledge, process knowledge, and use knowledge to coordinate and advance your own life! 5. The tragic part of human education is that it caters to ONLY the flesh part of the 3 persons living inside the man/woman! 6. Hence, the soul and the spirit persons of the man are left still as brute unrefined uneducated illiterate animals within the man/woman! 7. That is why you often hear of extremely exceptionally educated men and women from the best Universities of the world, and yet they are still thieves, they are still liars, they are still full of hatred against Black People, they are still evil and wicked, they are still self-destructive and bold to make laws and policies that destroy the Earth even while they know that they have nowhere else to go after they have destroyed the Earth! 8. Solution to humans being their own enemies? 9. That is what the LORD God Almighty is revealing in Isaiah 30:1 (KJV)! 10. People take counsel from only the flesh education that they have received, but because the flesh is the minority of the three persons, and because the other two majority persons of spirit and soul are still in their animal undeveloped stages, the majority brute beasts, therefore, control the minority educated person and cause him/her to decide and act as beastly as to eventually kill himself/herself! 11. The Counsel of God is the Law/Word of God which is the spiritual textbook that is needed to educate the spirit and the soul away from their beastly self-destructive traits! 12. When that spiritual textbook is not used to educate the spirit and the soul unto Truth and Righteousness, then well-educated men and women everywhere manufacture evil! 13. The textbook of the LORD God must be taught to humans, else humans will destroy themselves on the Earth and then go to Hell in the end! 14. When there is no teaching of the Word of God the Holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, then there is no God!+ + + + + + +Rev. Prof. PETER PRYCE, DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhDA Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven
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