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  • Composition Studies 40.2 (Fall 2012)

Composition Studies 40.2 (Fall 2012)

Angebote / Angebote:

CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 40.2 (FALL 2012): ARTICLES | Forging Rhetorical Subjects: Problem-Based Learning in The Writing Classroom by Paula Rosinski And Tim Peeples | Incendiary Discourse: Reconsidering Flaming, Authority, and Democratic Subjectivity in Computer-Mediated Communication by Timothy Oleksiak | Bodies Of Knowledge: Definitions, Delineations, and Implications of Embodied Writing in the Academy by A. Abby Knoblauch | Reclaiming "Old" Literacies In The New Literacy Information Age: The Functional Literacies Of The Mediated Workstation by Ryan Shepherd and Peter Goggin | COURSE DESIGNS | Writing: Writing Culture by Jamie White-Farnham | UWP 011: Popular Science & Technology Writing by Sarah Perrault | REVIEWS | Remixing Composition: A History Of Multimodal Writing Pedagogy by Jason Palmeri , reviewed by Andrew Davis | To Know Her Own History: Writing at the Woman's College, 1943-1963, by Kelly Ritter , reviewed By Annie S. Mendenhall | The Promise of Reason: Studies in the New Rhetoric, edited By John T. Gage reviewed By Abigail L. Montgomery | From Form To Meaning: Freshman Composition and the Long Sixties, 1957-1974, by David Fleming , reviewed By Jacob Babb | Toward A Composition Made Whole, by Jody Shipka , reviewed By Trent M. Kays | Conversational Rhetoric: The Rise and Fall of a Women's Tradition, 1600-1900, by Jane Donawerth , reviewed By Dara Rossman Regaignon | I Hope I Join The Band: Narrative, Affiliation, and Antiracist Rhetoric, by Frankie Condon , reviewed By Ryan Winet | The Megarhetorics of Global Development, edited By Rebecca Dingo And J. Blake Scott , reviewed By David Dadurka| Words At Work and Play: Three Decades in Family and Community Life, by Shirley Brice Heath , reviewed By Stacy Kastner | Feminist Rhetorical Practices: New Horizons for Rhetoric, Composition, And Literacy Studies, by Jacqueline Jones Royster and Gesa E. Kirsch , reviewed By Heather Ostman | Illness As Narrative, by Ann Jurecic , reviewed by Erin Trauth | Announcements | Contributors
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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