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  • Concrete Construction about the Home and on the Farm

Concrete Construction about the Home and on the Farm

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LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class OK1 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ABOUT THE HOME AND ON THE FARM PUBLISHED BY THE ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY ff 30 BROAD STREET NEW YORK lVl Copyright 1905 by THE ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT Co. 30 Broad Street. N. Y. All rights reserved INDEX Foreword .... PAGE 5 Concrete Construction history . ... . . 6 Atlas Portland Cement development Specifications for mixing and handling Atlas Portland Cement. Cement Mortar . Concrete 9 Broken Stone, Gravel and Cinders aggregate. 9 Sand . 10 Cement 10 Water n Proportions 1 1-12 Measuring 13 Mixing 13 Forms molds -. 14 Putting Concrete into Forms. 15 Reinforced Concrete ... V 16 Table for designing Concrete Beams and Slabs 18-19 Cost of Concrete Construction 20 Table for material for i cubic yard of Concrete 22 Freezing 22 Specifications for Circular Forms ........ 23 Sidewalks 24 Curbs and Gutters 27 Floors 28 Cellar 28 Barn and Stable 30 Feeding . 8 9 . 32 Steps and Stairs 32 Flying Steps or Stairs. 37 Walls 38 Foundations House, Barn 43 Piers and Posts. 44 Windmill Foundations 45 158572 SPECIFICATIONS FOR Contimied. PAGE Chimney Caps. 46 Cisterns ... - 47 Square Cisterns. 50 Watering- Troughs 50 Tanks. 53 Well Curbs -. Square, Small 54 Round 55 Large. 55 Reinforcement 55 Horse Block. 57 Posts. Fence 53 Clothes 61 Hitching 61 Piazza .61 Lattice 61 Hog Pens 63 Hog- Troughs 65 Chicken House 66 Ice House 69 Root Cellar .70 Mushroom Cellar 73 Greenhouses 75 Hotbed Frames 76 Box Stalls 77 Silos 78 Culverts 83 Table for Coloring Concrete 86 Stucco Work. Cement Plastering 87 Spatter-dash 87 Pebble-dash . 87 Tools used in mixing and working- Concrete 91 Description of Building Construction on Gedney Farms White Plains, N. Y., by Edward Burnett and Stanley Cunningham. 93 Description of buildings on Brookside Farms, Newburg, N. Y., by S. L. Stewart 114 Interesting and novel examples of Concrete Construc- tion I17-127 56 FOREWORD. The development of the American Portland Cement industry during the past decade has been one of the marvels of the age, and while Portland Cement Concrete has come to be recognized as the ideal building material for heavy work, comparatively little attention has been given to its use in the smaller construction about the home and on the farm. That active interest, however, is taken in this important subject by the suburbanite, the villager, and the farmer, is evidenced by the large number of letters of inquiry received by the agri- cultural and technical journals. During the past few years the price of lumber has advanced to almost prohibitive figures, and it is therefore only natural that a substitute material which affords the advantages of moderate cost, durability and beauty, should be looked upon with favor. It is not our purpose to enlarge upon the uses for which Portland Cement is now considered standard, but rather to direct attention to the economy of supplanting wood, brick and cut stone in divers ways by the more durable, sightly, and sanitary Portland Cement construction. All photographs displayed in this booklet were taken from actual work done with ATLAS Portland Cement, and the specifications are those which have been employed in successful construction. In the following pages we shall endeavor to -point out, in language free from technical terms, some of the uses for which Portland Cement Concrete is especially adapted. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Concrete construction dates back to the time of the Romans, who secured good results from a mixture of slaked lime, volcanic dust, sand and broken stone. Even this com- bination, crude in comparison with Portland Cement concrete, produced an artificial stone which has stood the test of nearly two thousand years, as evidenced by many works in Rome which are to-day in a perfect state of preservation. Portland Cement is an invention of modern times its universal use the matter of a quarter of a century...
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