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Controlling Pilot Error: Controlled Flight Into Terrain (Cfit/Cftt)

Angebote / Angebote:

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product CONTROLLED FLIGHT INTO TERRAINBe alert to the impossible. *Conduct a guided self-assessment that reveals any hidden dangers in your technique, knowledge, or proficiency *Correct risk-laden approaches to time and planning, weather decisions, situational awareness, automation, procedures, and other factors *Learn disaster-warning signs from case studies and expert insights *Enhance preparedness for emergencies *Transition from VFR to IFR safety *Avoid equipment problems, air controller error, or your own complacencyFAST & FOCUSED RX FOR PILOT ERRORThe most effective aviation safety tools available, CONTROLLING PILOT ERROR guides offer you expert protection against the causes of up to 80% of aviation accidents--pilot mistakes. Each title provides: *Related case studies *Valuable "save yourself" techniques and safety tips *Clear and concise analysis of error setsBEST FOR PILOTSBUILD YOUR KNOWLEDGE BASE--INCREASE YOUR CONFIDENCE--SHARPEN YOUR SKILLS--LEARN LIFESAVING TIPS
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40,90 CHF

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