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Crazy Gran

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Amy's Uncle Al and her mother Ariel both seem to have insider knowledge that something terrible is going to happen in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Thousands heeded Ariel's warning in The Chrislamic Messenger to flee New York City. But how did they know?The military believes Amy's father is somehow behind 9/11, even though he is supposedly dead and buried. As a weapons technologist, he was custodian of two Mark 53 nuclear bombs that were jettisoned by a failing B-52 over Champlain Lake at the same time he went missing in 1978. Now, years later, he seems to have come back from the dead.Only Amy can stop her uncle from executing her father's plan to detonate one of the massive bombs inside a uranium mine in the Adirondacks, causing a cataclysmic chain reaction that would create a sixth Great Lake and precipitate evacuation of the Eastern seaboard.Uncle Al is intent on stopping Amy from alerting authorities, by supplying her Chrislamic mother with evidence that although Amy swears she is a virgin, she and her cousin Ron have been indulging in "fornication." According to Sharia law and Deuteronomy 13, Amy must be stoned to death. As Uncle Al prepares to detonate the dirtiest bomb in history, Ron attempts to stop Amy's stoning before New York State blows sky high.Lawyer Gary Botting ( is the author of 36 books, including three titles in 2015 alone. With doctorates in English and law, and seven other degrees to his credit (including an MFA in playwriting), he is considered an expert on extradition, wrongful conviction, and dangerous offender legislation. His last novel was Campbell's Kids.Publisher's website:
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