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Dad Always Said

Angebote / Angebote:

The Greatest Generation had a belief and values system all its own. It was forged by the trials of the Great Depression and World War Two. After the war, they produced one of the greatest economic booms in American history. Dad Always Said delivers the timeless wisdom of the Greatest Generation in a unique style. It is the story of Grant Hawkins through the eyes of his son Bill. Grant was a World War Two veteran, a husband, a father, and a lifelong business owner. He was a "sayings guy." He delivered countless life lessons through an endless number of aphorisms. An aphorism defined, is a statement of truth or opinion expressed in a concise and witty manner. No one used short accurate remarks better than Bill's dad. He always had the right thing to say. Come take a delightful walk down Memory Lane. You will be entertained and see what it was like to grow up as a child of the Greatest Generation. Learn what they believed and caused them to be called the greatest. The pages of Dad Always Said shares priceless wisdom that will enhance your life in a variety of ways.
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28,50 CHF