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Dark Healing

Angebote / Angebote:

These poems, written from lived experience, speak for the survivors of personal violence. The pain inflicted on so many families in our violent age has seldom been faced with such unflinching determination to depict it honestly and wrest from it an acceptance of suffering based on a full, active and meaningful view of life. Does anyone escape suffering? No, that is why those who survive and go on to a new acceptance of life, reach out to those who are for the present victims. Tragedy teaches what intuition always whispers: there is a realm in which we are all present to each other, we are One in the deep heart's core. We mourn those who die, and we move on through the knowledge that what has happened to them, no matter how brutal or tragic, does not define them-or us. Our spirits and our souls tell us who we are and give our lives their meaning.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


23,90 CHF