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Death on Demand

Angebote / Angebote:

In this collection of seven stories, there are winners and takers, and they all deal with: --DOD, Death on Demand. All are suspenseful in one way or another. The first being, "The Rape of Angelina..." Here you see revenge, as death waits. In the second story, "The Seventh Born Son, " you witness hate at its worse. It demands death to its taker. In the third story, "The Dead Vault, " you witness righteousness, and power playing a most interesting game, again death demands its rights. In the forth story, "The Senator from Lima, " you walk into a nest of gangsters, all the takers, who make the winners, but there is a price, and again death is on the menu. In the following next three stories, "... Tides of Winter, " and "The Old Man of Chickamauga" along with, "The Camel Market, " death lingers close by, if not directly, indirectly.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF