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Deep Midnight

Angebote / Angebote:

The hour when dreams turn into nightmares... Hosted by the Contessa della Trieste, an opulent Carnevale ball in Venice takes a terrifying turn for American book critic Jordan Riley. As festivity turns into frenzy, Jordan is rescued by a powerful man disguised as a wolf. But was the mayhem she witnessed - the blood, the fangs, the screams - truly just entertainment, or something far more sinister? And pleasure beckons from beyond... From a deconsecrated Venetian church to a secret society in New Orleans, Jordan is led on a nightmare journey to the razor's edge of reality. Her mysterious savior is always a shadow behind her, both tormenting and tantalizing her, as Jordan discovers a world of predators and survivors, a new order of vampires - and an eternal hunger that threatens to consume her.
Fremdlagertitel. Lieferzeit unbestimmt


25,90 CHF