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  • Deep Overstock Issue 17

Deep Overstock Issue 17

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Are you buzzing with excitement over this issue? Can you not wait to read the honeyed words that our contributors have written? Ready to comb through and find the sweet nectar that resides within? This issue we have queen bees, nurse bees, mason bees, Buddha bees, bees in fairy tales, bees in fall, bees in winter, beekeepers, and honey by the gallonful. It has always been our pleasure to read all of the different submissions we receive. This issue was no different. However, we received so many great submissions we have put together our biggest issue yet. We feel like queen bees of the hive, with drones bringing offering after offering to feed our fat rumps so that we may continue to lay little bee eggs in the way of these journals. So thank you, dear contributors. And thank you readers for picking up this issue, as heavy as it may be. And thank you bees! Bees do so many great things, it's no wonder that they're so busy all of the time. Without bees humankind would likely have starved. Go out there and plant some flowers so bees can keep being themselves and doing what they do. But first, help yourself to these poems and short stories. And after that, consider submitting for our 18th issue: Old Favorites, in which we are seeking pieces for any of our past 17 themes (including this one, if you feel so inspired after reading these pieces). We will bee with you always, Deep Overstock Editors
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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